Originally Posted by TurboFool
See, I don't use mine for music at all, but I still have about 4.5GB taken up on my card with photos, some videos, TomTom maps, CABs, ROMs, etc. Plus it's much, much faster and more convenient to transfer files to the card than through the phone. Overall the ability to expand space and take the memory out is pretty vital to me.
As for keyboard, I'm a touch-typist by heart. Having to look at a keyboard to use it slows me down big time. I don't look at my Touch Pro's keyboard when I'm typing on it which allows me to go at a pretty good clip. I couldn't give that up. However if you're not a touch typist and you have to look anyway, I don't think the hardware keyboard gives you any real advantage, and the on-screen one is quicker to use with autocomplete and T9 functions, so I could see that being an advantage. Heck, I use it occasionally.
your right, managing memory is MUCH easier with removable storage. I prefer a physical Kb, but like i said, size is crucial for me. i owned a 6700, 6800, 6900, 700wx, and a curve, and i much prefer a hard kb. diamond is perfect for me though