Ok, here is where the UUID becomes important. Say you are creating a OEM that has a reg that needs to overwrite a previous reg in the rom somewhere. Here is a very basic example:
Normally by default, the Today plugins are enabled in this fashion
Yes there are other entries, but you get the point. I hope
Now, this is usually in a rgu somewhere else in the rom/kitchen. Instead of spending a bunch of time trying to track it down and change it, it is easier to have an rgu that loads last that "gets the final say" as to what is written to the reg. So, lets say that the rgu that contains the above has a UUID like this: 6a99efc8-b94d-11db-8314-0800200c9a66.
Now, lets say that you want to disable the above plugins. So you create an rgu with this:
Now, you also need to make sure that your rgu loads after the others. So, I usually suggest replacing the first couple digits in the UUID with ff. So, it would be ff99efc8-b94d-11db-8314-0800200c9a66
Anyway, yes this can be manually done, but you have to change the dsm, rgu, and xml to match. How abotu this as an idea.....Perhaps the proposed UUID is displayed in the app as well and the user can edit it before the files are created. Just an idea.