when i'm in the wa3 setttings i am not able to do:
a) Plugins, Desktop Checked.
h) WAD Theme, select your choice of portrait theme in the portrait tab, select your choice of landscape theme
in the landscape tab. WA3 Theme, install both iphone light and dark for WA3 themes and choose withever you want.
Feel free to delete the stock *_portrait and *_landscape folders in /Windows/themes/desktop to save space
i don't have a button to press to get into that. everything else is set up fine though.
any ideas?
i wasn't able to install the kitchen since my phone is the titan (p4000) is that the problem?
and yes i do realize this is a problem with everyone i just don't know if they got sent e-mails personally or anything. if you can send an e-mail to
speed99demon@msn.com if you have the time. thank you