Originally Posted by Juicy47
it runs. and you're lucky i decided to revert back to older packages as it has no advantage to me or any other telus, alltel or bell users.
i have to agree juicy, i as well am working on sprint tv, and if they are just going to complain about how crappy we got it work then i will drop the project completely. (mine isn't working that great either if at all on my latest release) thankfully no one is complaining rather they are helping trouble shoot the issue.
im not pointing any fingers here but, i hear allot more pissing and moaning rather then constructive feedback and trouble shooting for spint tv from the majourity of the sprint users. and there is only two sprint cooks out there that i know of. vs the 5 of us telus cooks and one alltel cook, thats conflipper. who might i add knows his stuff and is a great person to work with. anyways. its kind of hard to test and work wiht something we dont have available to us on the network. and the only help we get is from a bunch of complainers.
again this isnt singling out one person but rather giving my perspective. and dont get me wrong there are some of you sprint tv'ers that have been a great help. others sit back ride others coat tails and are the first ones to complain when something they havent even put a hand in on isnt working ot their liking. if it dont work as well as the sprint rom and your only input on the subject is "well the sprint rom works fine" then go back and use it because im starting to lose my temper with you.