Originally Posted by GoodThings2Life
Well the good news is that ANY account that you add to Outlook on the phone will show up as an option on the Mail tab... however, web-based mail accounts will not show up, so if you're using Gmail or Yahoo through the web rather than through Outlook, that's why you don't see them.
I believe Gmail and Yahoo accounts are easy to add to Outlook, however... just click the Mail tab, click Menu, and click Accounts > New Account. Then just follow the wizard entering in all your Yahoo information.
As for Groupwise... tell your IT guys they're the laughing stock of the IT world, for using such a crappy mail server! Exchange Server or Lotus Notes is the way to go!  lol... joking. Seriously though, you'll have to get your POP/IMAP/SMTP server information from your IT guys (and find out if they even allow mobile access to it), and then you'll be able to use that to get setup.
My Gmail, Hotmail, Comcast & Sprint Pituremail all show up. My Yahoo is the only one that doest.
As for the IT Guys: I already told the them that. Its crazy here. This company does alot of GOV work. So have to log on to do EVERYTHING! One password to open your company, another to open Groupwise, another for the Internet, etc.... it is crazy. I know you can check you email from hone using webaccess. i just dont know how to do it. Most of the higher up here use BlackBerry's or Treo's. But they do get there email. Just didnt feel like asking them. They always give you a look like your crazy.