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Old 11-14-2008, 03:41 PM
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Re: Diamonds on eBay

I also initiated a chargeback, but in the meantime I am going to use the diamond phone, keeping my old one as a spare.... In the off chance that sprint doesn't want a used phone back. My CC company said the chargeback will only be finalized once the merchandise is back in the seller's hands, but I will document the fact that I am only willing to send it back to sprint or asurion since they are undoubtedly the rightful owners.

I did a phone claim with asurion myself recently (lost my old phone), and I had to know not only my phone # but my pin # as well.. And it shipped to my billing address. Why isn't this setting off a red flag with Asurion? I mean, the ebay seller(s) such as dmilton are not only supplying/bypassing the pin # but also changing the ship to address to no longer match the address on the user's account? If Asurion is checking for this I guess they could be changing the billing address on the account termporarily to the buyer's address, then changing it back before a bill is mailed.. or changing it to online billing. Either way not great news.

I almost think this may not be a sprint sales rep/kiosk agent running things but maybe a group of current/former asurion reps.
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