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Old 11-14-2008, 01:44 PM
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Re: S2U2 vs Touch Pro

Originally Posted by levelbest View Post
I gotta tell you - I was a huge slide to unlock fan - have produced wallpapers for it etc - but I have been running without it for the past week and can tell you, the phone just runs better without it. Less reboots, less temporary freezing, less oddities going on.

Just my personal opinion. The first thing I did when I got the pro was load it - but I think I'm better off without it - despite how slick it is.
I guess I'm not the only one.
I only have problems with it in the carrier when something decides to turn the screen on for me.
it will get itself somewhere pretty quick trying ot install, or removing icons from my program list. haha.
But that happens maybe once every other day.

I'm waiting for a good belt clip version for a holder.
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