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Old 06-13-2007, 10:32 PM
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Re: VOice mail icon

Originally Posted by buzzbu
Originally Posted by Hayabusa1300cc
Originally Posted by seanworks925
Has any notice that the voicemail icon is missing when you have a voicemail on the system
wow I just noticed that. I checked it today and had 6 new messages dating from the 10th
My voicemail icon does not show up also. I have a hard time believing that no one else is having this issue. I hope it is just some registry fix. Anyone have any ideas??

Other than that, your rom rocks.
Oh crap. I thought that I had just missed it or accidentally dismissed it.
But I just found a few messages from earlier today and never had a notice!
This needs a fix... quick.
I'm liking the speed and options on this ROM. But without the phone having a notification, pA doesn't tell me anything is up.
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