Originally Posted by fr4nk1yn
SORRY!! I didn't emphasize my phone HATES 20931 and yes mine wouldn't boot with that combo as well. It does with 20757. I just wanted to find out what I'm doing to have no volume control. It's not isolated either. The volume in Juicys ROMs works on those screens.
Mine screwy as well With Juicy 3.3 I could place phone calls.
Last night my screen was reversed, when I tried to take a scree shot it appear the correct way in the preview.
I'm almost thinking of just droppin' back to juicy 2.5 but OH!, the temptation.
Hehehe, well I just got a pretty decently working 20931 build installed yesterday. I reflashed it again with the same options an hour ago because I fell asleep just screwing around with it and restoring things from my backup randomly wich I think made some of my options go a little bezerk. I've spent the first hour of my day just re-configuring everything manually, re-synching to my Exchange, etc... Gonna give this one a whirl for the day and see how it behaves besides the A2DP not working (wich I don't use anyways...)