hehee, I'll show how much of a noob I was a long time ago... I flashed a rom on, and it was for sprint. I then proceded to let the customizations run, and man, did it do some nasty damage. Even after flashing back to vzw rom, I couldnt make/get calls. I called VZW support, and Sprint support. You'd be suprised how much some of those techs know. I just acted dumb(er) and they will try their best... The funniest part is, that I wound up figuring it out on my own -- I had to manually apply the vzw prl, but i couldnt run epst with the ##, so I had to use resco to make a custom shortcut, got the prl on, and then it worked.
Just remember we were all noobs once, but some of us RTFF(orum) and resolved it on our own.