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Old 06-13-2007, 06:44 PM
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Originally Posted by faheem5
I am having a hard time following your instruction.

I downloaded the latest kitchen rom and everytime I run "BuildOS.exe" I get a error "has caused an error and needs to close..."

I tried running on my work and personal computer with same error.

I did notice the file is 63kb.. is that correct?

I really like the idea of just selecting/de-selecting what things to keep and I would like to get it to work.. so any suggestions wat could be causing this error?
Did you make any edits to the files after you extracted them? That's all I know of that can cause those crashes.

The current kitchen does have a bug in it's default selections that will prevent it successfully building the ROM files. Deselect the SmartDialer, or select a different theme to address that. If you have further issues please bring them over to the bug thread...
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