Originally Posted by Yay 4 Juggs
rico: flash 3.1 was already on the rom...is your opera build working with flash support?
pat: i stripped 3.0 even more removing mp3 trimmer worldcard...adobe reader...clearview and old jbed platform and replaced it with a new version that supports vga display.
shane, corn...thank you for your continued support!!!
Juggs, I'm sure it was already working, but since I have this routine from flashing so many times, I installed it again and I do have a great online experience. I didn't check this thread before I did my PM's and I got a lot asking for the opera 9.5 (2745) so I'm uploading it now as I type this. All you have to do is install the .cab and that's it. Accelerometer works, finger scroll, double tap, wheel scroll etc etc. Only thing is the menu bars and stuff are small. For me it is great because I can see more of the webpage that I want and I just scroll in more where I need to see better. The speed is very good!
Originally Posted by cornelious2
honestly I am still using the 48 meg page pool version with damn good battery life. I would like to try a more recent rom, but honestly I don't want to hunt down the versions of some of the cabs/oems you used and re-install them. but so far your 48 meg pp rom is my rom of choice.
I loved the 48 meg PP and honestly, I still have ver. 2.1 48 meg PP at home on my computer which I could upload if anyone needed it. It was a fast and very stable ROM. This ROM is slim, so if there's programs you really don't want on the phone Juggs has taken care of you so now you can pick and choose which Opera you want, what IM, etc etc. So if storage is a issue, then this ROM maybe the way to go for you, but for me the 2.1 48 meg PP and this one are the best ROM's Juggs has released yet. My battery life with 48 meg PP and this version have been the exact same also.
Originally Posted by shanep4db
The Opera Beta2 will not work with the TF3D Internet tab, you have to use Opera 9.5 Build 2745 or Build 2932. LilRico has had good luck with 2745 and I am using 2932 successfully as well.
Are your menu's small like mine? Have you compared it to build 2745? Thanks
Here's the link to download the .cab I use:
i930, Apache, Titan, Touch Diamond, Touch Pro, Touch Pro 2, HTC EVO 4G, Samsung Galaxy S II, Samsung Galaxy S III, Samsung Galaxy S IV.