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Old 06-13-2007, 06:34 AM
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Re: Soft reset = all text messages gone

Originally Posted by Thalagyrt
Any idea what might be causing this? If I soft reset using the hardware button all of my text messages get wiped. This is on a freshly hard reset device, no software other than Missing Sync installed. It just started happening today. Think it's a hardware issue?
if you have a huge cache setup on the device they may be getting wiped prior to being written to the phones internal storage, there is a timed delay on what you see/open/launch/whatever and what is actually out of RAM and into storage.

try and avoid that button, use a program to soft reset the phone, programs force the phone to write out the RAM to storage before booting. that button is evil and should really only be used as a last resort.

if all of that fails, stop running the glitchy stock rom and pick one of the roms here with the latest fixes for your handset. You wont see that problem with the new core, even if you insist on using the devilish button of evil.
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