Originally Posted by storyr
Originally Posted by Malatesta
Hey Mal, curious - you think you might buy and use this when released?
I'm shocked at even saying that as in the past I couldn't stand SPB's software, but the coding in this app is top notch. The 1.5 series addresses a lot of issue effectively.
Considering all it does: "Now" Screen, Start Menu replacement, Virtual Tabs it runs so quickly and efficiently, which is rare for such a tranformative application.
I just really like the idea of having multiple full plugins, but hidden e.g. like your amazing weather skin
I did the same for my calendar: display 10 days, all without comprising anything.
The Start Menu launcher is so simple and intuitive, it's really brilliant.
Kudos to SPB for this. And their SPB Phone Suite ain't half bad either (some of the profiles don't work as well; SBSH PhoneWeaver though is also a nice alternative.)