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Old 11-13-2008, 11:38 AM
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Re: [11/7] JD's ROM

Originally Posted by GregOP View Post
Yeah, I'm definitely using your rom. I basically installed it with a hard reset, then I re-installed the sprint manilla because I like the icons and the neon colors as opposed to the dull black htc theme. I did this by disabling tflo in today, installing the manilla theme, and then resetting, re-enabled tflo. Do you know of any manual way to fix this other then a hard reset?

What are you guys using to backup your phones software so you don't have to reinstall all your settings (transparent sliders, cab files, settings, etc) besides the pay software sprite backup? Is there a good free alternative? I love this rom so far, other then it having the HTC default theme. Thats just personal preference though, I think the TP deserves a more snappy looking UI then that.
How to fix what?

For backing up I use SPB Backup...but I don't restore after a flash to a new rom because it can overwrite some of the registry entries and sometimes things dont restore correctly and its usually better to just start from scratch each time. On that not I recommend using Sashimi Auto installer -

just take a couple of hours to get it all set up and watch the videos its pretty easy.

Basically there are folders for your .cabs, .reg, .xml, a way to copy files over to your windows folder or wherever you want...then you press auto install and it does everything for you...
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