Re: *UPDATED* [11-12-08] Juicy ROM 3.3 [SYS OS 5.2.19972 Build 19972.3.3] [UC]
hey rollazn
he data connection terminates quicker as opposed being constantly on and downloading random junk you dont need. its part of the battery save. it simply disconnects faster, when idle, to save battery. if u want to turn of data fully, use diamond tweak, there you will see the option to manage data usage time and turn off data completly.
damn i just flashed 3.2 and got stuff the way i want on it. i thought 3.3 wasn't gona have much new, but it looks tempting, lots of speed increase bullets. hmm. i think i wil get sbp abck up, back up all my stuff, and flash this baby.
you are doing a great job. keep it up