Originally Posted by CountryDevil
Either way, bottom line what it really boils down to is fraud. You ask the question "Just wondering why sprint is still loosing so much money when people are so honest"... well let just addres that shall we?
Becasue it is schmucks like you that try to screw over a company. One that is obviously trying to turn itself around.
and once again goes back to my point a page ago that there are more "schmucks" (a rude comment anyways to the OP) that do other stupid crap to rip Sprint off than the VERY few double orders they mail out. Be more worried about the people who lie and find anything to call and complain for discounts and freebies and discounted/free phones. There are WAY more of those people than there are this thread's kind of story costing Sprint MUCH more money. OP isnt the problem, a lot of people who post here and about him ARE.
Originally Posted by Baffles
The difference here is that, while some people lied to get their deal on the TP, a lot of people had legit issues. That, and Sprint agreed to the deals they gave people, so it isn't stealing. Keeping a phone that was sent to you by mistake IS stealing, plain and simple.
Being "wrong" is an issue of morality one has to live with themselves. As above, the issues regard it affecting you or me or bob in this thread personally due to company retaliation to customers as a whole are as i stated above- the much much larger issues with people than this one guy's situation. And id still disagree because there are more posts of "oh ill just call in and complain about x or y to get swapped up a phone model" (6700->6800/vogue->diamond/mogul, cough probably half the people in these forums) than people like this perosn who was shipped 2 phones. He is not the problem and there are still a lot of hyporticital people here who need the moral less not to call in fake insurance claims because they scuffed their phone or make up issues with it to get a swap. That happens every day here. In the end it costs Sprint MORE money because people do it on a regular basis than the very very very few people who have the OP's dilema. Skew or try to justify it however you wish, but in the end its still costing sprint money, and probably 1000x more money than this OP is.