Originally Posted by wny1mxo2003
Can anyone explain how to get picture mail working for verizon users with this rom.
Thanks....i searched and dowmloaed Arcsoft... dcd carrier cab. Message gets saved in the outbox...does not send.
This is from GaMedic's Guide:
In the MMS Configuration choose Verizon Wireless server settings -
Server name: Verizon Wireless
Gateway: leave blank
Port Number : 80
Server Address:
Also use a registry editor to check these registry settings on your phone.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Arcsoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1\WspHeader]
"X-VzW-MDN"="myphonenumber" (string! not DWORD) (for "my phone number" use you actual phone nuber without the quotes)