Originally Posted by mikee4fun
Originally Posted by stevland
Originally Posted by stevland
weird... i copied the file to the \Windows folder, confirmed to overwrite the original file, soft rebooted and... bam! same old fugly pinwheel.
any suggestions?
i just realized that this thread is for the htc apache... i have an htc mogul a.k.a. telus p4000 a.k.a. 6800. guess i'm s.o.l. on this one?
You have a 6800 with WM6? How did you get it ahead of everyone else? Can you do a rom dump and post it?
telus rls'd the phone before everyone but released the phone with wm5 with a wm6 upgrade coming in the near future which sucks balls.. they should have waited like everyone else and rls'd the phone with wm6 straight outta the box.
- ReDz
MM 6.5.x OF 05/01/10
PPC History >> Axim X5, Axim X3, Axim X3i, PPC6700, HTC Titan, HTC Touch Pro 2