Originally Posted by Trident
Originally Posted by fitbryan
Originally Posted by Trident
I unchecked many items and checked off a few optional ones and can't seem to get through the initial compile using Build OS.
When it gets to installing NetCF2, I get, "The file 'temp\dump\cgautil.exe' already exists."
I can get it to complete only if I uncheck NetCF2 and the CallFirewall Hitchhiker that requires it.
Did u have the 'hybrid' jbabey .net checked?
Ah. Yes I did. Will that suffice to run the CallFirewall that requires .NetCF2?
Still having a lot of problems getting this to complete.
BuildOS completes, but now I'm getting messages that Buildmgfs.exe is "encountering problems" and won't allow CreateROM to finish.
Then that message about patching the theme boot screen??
And then the encoding directories are still screwed up. I can find the nba file, but it won't send the nbf anywhere I can find it. I'm not 100% sure that it's even getting done, but it seems to be.
meh, the msg is in the bat to remind me to patch the bootscreen for the theme i use. i prepatch it so i dont have to worry about it later... look in the .ROM folder