Re: Sprint sent me another phone, now what?
Why even present this question to the boards when you obivously know what should be done?
1) You keep the phone and do nothing. Sprint never finds out and you are in the clear. Unless Spint tags the phone as lost and when you or someone else tries to activate the phone they can't and won't becasue is listed as lost and stolen.
2) They catch their mistake 30 days later and they apply the full retail value of the phone to your account. Which they can legaly do by the way.
3) You sell it on ebay or where ever...apply #1 and #2. In addition they come after you for fraud and the police show up and you have a really bad day.
Either way, bottom line what it really boils down to is fraud. You ask the question "Just wondering why sprint is still loosing so much money when people are so honest"... well let just addres that shall we?
Becasue it is schmucks like you that try to screw over a company. One that is obviously trying to turn itself around. One that provides you those services that you so dearly love or you would not be using Sprint as your carrier. One that you just bought a really cool phone that allows you to use those services. Now lets say that everyone that di this on a consistant basis.... yea I think yoju just answer you own question there buddy..... you know what you should do and there should be no reason why you should sceond guess yourself.
Do what you want, but if I were you, I would not even bring up something like this in a public forum... things could go wrong real quick and end in a result that you did not expect.