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Old 11-11-2008, 10:33 PM
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Re: [11-11-08] Juggalo ROM v0.03B Public Beta [SYS OS 5.2.20757 Build 20757] [UC]

Originally Posted by SOHKis View Post
so far it's really solid, nice and quick. haven't had time to test everything, but all the things i need/use seem to be working fine.

only thing i've noticed, isn't even a bug, but i prefer to have the task manager set to close by tapping as opposed to tap and hold.

added the usual diamond tweak and tf3d config to "customize" to my liking and it's been really good.

*what's included in the customizations? i'm on sprint so i opted to soft reset before they started
its the telus customizations tomarrow i will be cooking with sprint and posting i think. although i have a firend on sprint he has been playing with my roms for a week and they didn't affect him running the tellus rom.

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