11-11-2008, 04:05 PM
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Cabs and Files

For a modified version of Carnero's Icons (thanks dai_shan for the files) please see attachment below tsowentaskbar.cab. This version I kept all the Darklord Notification Icons. You will have to install the sdkcert first, my cab and then nuePowerDriverCDMADiamond-100-v1.0-cab.cab updated 12/14/08
1. Combination of Darklord69 and Carnero's GSM Task Bar.
2. Contains Darklord69's Notification and Battery Icons.
3. Includes all the fixes found along the way.
tsowentaskbar 2

For those who want the CAB for the original task bar we download the file tsowentaskbar2.cab you will have to install the sdkcerts, my cab and then the nuePowerDriverCDMADiamond-100-v1.0-cab.cab If you just want the DLL's download the zip file called dll's.zip updated 12/14/08
1. This was the first set of icons that we worked on.
2. It has the updated HTCVolumeControl and all the other fixes we found along the way.
3. Original Notification Icons and does not include any of the Carnero's looking icons such as the Alarm Notification, Wi-FI and others (see Brock1909 and HTCLeener's post 4 & 5 for versions of this icon)

My last addition is a combination of the previous one with the new voicemail icon, bluetooth stero, sms and notify icon.
Cab can be found below. For just the dll files and bluetooth icons download the zip file New dll's. Updated 12/22/08
Contains all the icons shown in the picture.
tsowentaskbar3V1.5 (latest)
Based on the taskbar 3 version this one contains updated icons and battery as seen below.
For file please click this link

Version History
1. tsowentaskbar3
- Added Darklord69 battery icon, added Wi-Fi icon set, added alarm notification icon, corrected registry entry for battery %
2. tsowentaskbar3v1.1
- Added multi-notification icon, bluetooth stero icon and new voicemail icon
3. tsowentaskbar3v1.2
- Added SMS Notification Icon
4. Contains all the Fixes along the way.
5. Added Active Sync Icons.
6. Added Windows Live Messanger Icon
7. Added MMS Icon
8. Added GPS Icon
9. Thanks to gtp at XDA corrected phcanOverbmp.dll with battery %
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Last edited by tsowen; 06-12-2009 at 08:36 AM.