Internet Sharing + Standby
Now, this is the second time this has happened with my TP.
It's done it with my mogul as well.
All morning today, the phone has worked fine with internet sharing when the phone changed into standby mode.
Just out of the blue standby mode starts killing the connection.
I know if you set the resume setting in advanced config it will kill it XX seconds after it goes into standby, but it's set on infinite as far as I can tell.
I just soft-reset the phone and am waiting for it to hit standby to see if it holds it this time.
Trying to figure out what would cause this sudden change.
On my mogul, i just set it to go to standby, and it fixed the problem.
Yep, just killed the connection.
All morning it worked fine
The only difference is I installed powerguard to check some things on the power consumption and such because battery life was going backwards due to data usage. The numbers are pretty amazing.
Going to uninstall now and see if it makes a difference.
Any one have any idea's as why this would suddenly change?
With the phone in standby it takes up less battery, which helps it charge while using data.
While I'm *****ing about that.
Does anyone have a problem with the connection sharing network freezing up on the computer.
I've had it happen on 2 installations of windows on this laptop.
All my network connections freeze up and hang, soon as i disconnect, the windows will open fine.
I uninstalled powerguard and things worked fine when it went to standby, but my dreaded network freeze up happened and internet sharing woudln't open on the PPC, so i softreset.
Last edited by Talyn; 11-11-2008 at 03:46 PM.