dam before i saw your post i installed the dll file manually and changed the registry and now the battery icon is correct with the correct % indicator....
on your cdma device u were able to change your speaker and ev icons as well ... even the volume indicator... can u post a screen shot....
post # 243 talks about bluetooth icons .. not speaker ..?
i got my ev icons set now and my battery... what is the correct step now to get volume indicator and speaker icon... are the speaker icon, wifi and bluetooth just bmp files that u drop in the windows folder? i know the bluetooth files are .. if they are, can u upload your wifi/speaker icons?
i remember last time that the volume indicator was a htc volume controller.dll but when i installed that i lost the graphical interface that u see when u push up and down on side buttons to raise lower volume, has that been corrected
right now if i install that cab mentioned on 243 above in this thread.. what will i loose since i already setup my battery and ev, 1x symbol?