Originally Posted by blkr00t
I thought that I would weigh in here with my experience with a high (48mb dyn pp) and battery life. I am running JD 5.1 and previously was running JD 5 with a 36 MB dyn PP. This is my very un-scientific test from yesterday.
test started at 4:19
wifi - on
bluetooth - on
data connection - on
phone - on
listened to Windows Media Player for the entire period
Answered 2 phone calls during this testing period
48MB Dynamic Page Pool
100% immediately dropped to 98%
five minutes later it was sitting at 95%
After 2 full hours at 6:19 I was sitting at 84%
After more normal usage, consisting of a couple of phone calls, one over
hour long while connected via Remote Desktop...usage finally went down
to 20 percent at 10:19
Sounds pretty good. That is alot of usage. Does your memory still say 203mb or is it a lower number?