I have read all the stickies first off here in HTC Titan Upgrades. I have a Sprint Mogul on CRICKET (hence its already flashed) i have made calls and used internet and sent text, all i want to do is fix the rom get a new rom for a new look/feel and hope that everything works on that rom unlike this one.. Well i read that i dont have to find a new radio and so forth since it already works on crickets network, i just want to use VetVito's Sexier Mobile (
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=18836) to see if everything works on my phone cus i have yet to see mms work and some other things... My basic question is how do i go about doing this? I have the exe file already downloaded and its ready to go do i just transfer it to my phone and run it? also do i have to uninstall this rom before i install that one? can anyone please help me i would greatly appreciate it, i am trying to learn by myself but sometimes somethings dont make sense or aren't 100% clear..