Originally Posted by CaptainJager
Just a bit of info... the only way I could get the top and bottom bars to be black was to load classic black then change from there. If I did it anyother way they were grey. Not sure if this is helpful but wanted to let you know.
I created a cab for just this issue, and it's is in the above package. Its called blackreg.cab. BaseHue just will not stay at 160 if I switch themes and I havent been able to locate any other reasonable solutions as yet.
Just an FYI Ive been doing some research on smartdial and if I could get into the .dll I think I can get it working with this theme. The bmps themselves are all still named just as Pauly's orig's.
Im also doing some minor cleanup on my original Dialer as well. While I continue this work I will make available any updated bmps in the original post file name is DespiserBlack7b.zip. If you are using the new Kitchen and have selected my theme then you should just copy them to the \windows dir overwriting the existing. Not sure about other themes.
At this point on Sunday evening Ive redone most of the Portrait bmp's and will continue through the week with landscape. Same design just cleaned up a bit.