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Old 11-10-2008, 12:47 PM
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Re: HTC Touch screen dark area?

Originally Posted by up2no6ood View Post
Yes it is due to pressure. But it is not caused by applying extreme pressure to the outside of the screen. I have had 3 phones all in a row have this problem. 2 of them came new right out of the box this way. These spots are caused by uneven pressure against the bottom side of the lcd or between the digitizer and the lcd. To prove this take 2 fingers and apply slight pressure to the screen on both sides of the dark spot. Now variate the pressure on those two fingers. Do you see the spot look like its moving, getting lighter, or even disappearing? By doing this you are evening out the pressure on the lcd wich in turn effects the dark spot.
Anyone else confirm this? I still have my old one, so I'll try to test this later today and report back.