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Old 11-10-2008, 12:33 AM
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Re: I found the secret to good battery life!

Originally Posted by ScrapMaker View Post
I'm amazed as to what ends people will go to let HTC off the hook here.

It's amusing that it's forums like this, and xda that find fixes, rather than HTC or Sprint.

I guess people just blindly love this phone because of it's potential... I get that... but when I actually used my phone, as you have already discovered, it drains rather quickly. To top it off, I couldn't even charge it

I reallllyy want this phone, damnit! I'm back to my Touch, but I miss the VGA screen...
Sorry, but it's not HTC... Maybe Sprint, but not HTC. Well, it could be. Here is my side:

I've had the 800w for a couple months, If you look at the 800w community you will see we have all had the same complaints about battery since the intro of our device. We even have a smaller battery. So, either its a WinMo 6.1 thing in combination with the "hardware." Or, HTC had more hands in the 800w than we thought they did (ie the Treo Pro). Or, Sprint just fails at checking out products beforehand and its a coincidence the 800w and Touch have similar battery life and heating up issues.