Originally Posted by kellybrf
so, really sprint isnt full of crap but instead is completely right...
Well i think that both you and the guy who started the thread are right. Sprint is full of crap for trying to charge him, they know good and well how to contact the insurance place and investigate it. On the other hand, buyer beware! If you buy something... well, you bought it.
Judge Jimmiekain says,
Since the seller knowingly sold a product which was known to not be what was expected and the buyer bought it in good faith. I hereby rule that sprint drop all charges to the buyer and must further investigate the sellers actions. In case shall any person who is a victim of fraud be held liable for any charges fees or commissions. If sprint refuses to drop the charges I would dispute the charge to my credit card company (if i used a credit card or credit card with pay pal or dispute it with my bank)