Originally Posted by colonel
You can remove it. There will always be the copy in \Windows, but that is not taking up any program memory since it is in the rom.
K. As I think I said in another thread, I plan to look into generating a clean up stuff OEM if possible.
Originally Posted by colonel
I just checked my phone and I do not have anything in My Documents\My Sounds.
After flashing with R1 /w default set of options+Verizon Custom+Crossbow Theme I have...
If it is "Customize.lst" that copies it to \My Sounds, can someone provide any explanation of it's usage. Here's the section that seems to copy the files...
\My Documents\My Pictures\1-nature_15fps.mp4
\My Documents\My Sounds\Alouette.mid
\My Documents\My Sounds\ding.amr
\My Documents\My Sounds\Dogbark.wav
\My Documents\UAContents\Templates\0.dat
It's formating seems to be simpler than that of initflashfiles.txt.