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Old 11-08-2008, 11:21 AM
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Re: How do you like your Touch Pro?

Not trying to Bash the phone but pointing out my experience with this phone.

my view on this is that this is not a bad phone but it does have some quirks that only seem to happen on some phones and others don't have the issue

1. there is a issue with sip change only on very few phones. My first touch pro worked but the new one doesn't. Yes I do know what I am doing.

2. The back of the phone creaks and that is really annoying. This is a $749 phone. I had a sony erricson p910a and p900 that cost that much and that thing had absolutely nothing wrong with it and no noises or bad build quality.

3. keyboard lag sucks and I know this can be fixed but wasn't this tested before htc released it.

4. too much movement on the slider and it is just way too loose. I can't even turn up the volume without taking the phone away from my face to see the button, then hold the phone firm and then up the volume.

5. the D pad is not level on both that I have had and makes crackling noises sometimes. Don't forget the screen sensitivity with or without a fix just sucks.

6.The charger cable is so short that I can't even use the phone while it's on the charger and what's up with a charger/ data cable. I think we paid enough to get two seperate cables.

7. I have to load a file to hear people talking to me on the phone. Come on it's a phone!!!! Htc needs to recall and re issue new phones to people with this problem.

I just think that a lot of people got a pretty good deal on these phones and because it's the biggest newest thing people are dealing with it and just talking themselves into believing that it's just ok that the build quality sucks.

I am not going to lie I loved it when I got it but being on my second and maybe third now this is saying a lot about HTC and there respect for there customers. Let's speak the truth. You wouldn't accept this from a new car, why is it ok on a $750 phone. I am still going to go my 30 days before I decide but I can't say I am happy with this phone. My touch didn't have any where near the problems I have had with this phone.
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