I flashed it last night after I fixed it "My Way".
Worked fine for me. My versions can be found in my sig. I have a Diamond and Manila2D Themed version, based off this winmo 19212 build.
For those that aren't aware, I replace the keyboard, kill all the provisioned crap, skin it, then upload a flashable rom, and an OEM package so you can add your own stuff. You verizon users out there, what else should I "fix"? Here is what I have:
RSTG_Verizon_Dia_OEM_V1.41-=--=-=- RSTG_Verizon_M2D_OEM_v2.14
RSTG_Verizon_Dia_NBH_v1.41-=-=-=--=-=- RSTG_Verizon_M2D_NBH_v2.141