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Old 11-08-2008, 05:05 AM
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Re: Touch Pro & Orb.

omfg!!!! this progam is like the best thing since sliced bread.... I love it... would never have known about it till that guy who suports it mentioned what it does!!! now.. if they can just get a button to turn it on its side.. instead of having to use gyrator.. it looks like this will take the place of tcmp/the core/pocket music.. still testing it out.. I like pocket music but this is quickly becoming a standard.... the premium version has more options.. but the free version has no strings attached.. worked beautifuly and solved all the ishues.. complaints.. annoyances of using orb... its fast.. it works.. and it just blows my mind... I wish I had learned of this program sooner.. definatly a must try out peice of software... and the second best part... it plays my audible audio books with out having to download them.. (defeats the purpose of having pocket music) and streams them off the server.. havent had the chance to see if it will play my allready downloaded content. (goes to test) YES.. it will play audible files allready dloaded.. .. its finger friendly.. havent had the chance to try my bt headphones out on it.. (misplaced them and now cant find them) but if any one has tried them.. let me know... I dont recomend programs all that often.. but my gods... this one is a must play with.. if you like it..great.. if not.. there are other apps out there..
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