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Old 11-08-2008, 01:18 AM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

UPDATE: after being told "no, were taking back our offer and there is nothing else we can do" by EMT Dprt. i went a purchased a Diamond off

I paid $300 for it, it was brand new and came with the receipt and everything. It was purchased a month earlier but NEVER connected. I then connected it on my line and after waiting 4 hrs to get the internet to work, nothing happened.

i called sprint and spent 2.5 hrs with a Tech Support and they said it was a device issue. They over night a Diamond to my home. it came in today.

not only, did they send a BRAND new diamond with RECEIPT, but they also sent me an extra battery, extra travel charger and a Bluetooth earpiece. (wasnt told all tihs would be coming so i called to ask and they said "courtesy gift")

Well, i activiated this phone and within about hr or two of activating it, i got a call back from EMT Dprt. (weird). They said we see you just recently purchased the HTC Diamond, and see that you have been trying to get yourself a HTC Pro. i said "yes sir, that is correct". well, he then said you can order one and just pay the difference. i asked how, yada yada yada.

Right when im about to order the HTC Pro in exchange for the Diamond, he said they were on back order but gave me a number to call to get a confirmation number to do an IN-STORE swap out and pay the $30 difference. i was given the confirmation number and then was told that i would have to go to the store that i originally bought the phone from.

i explained to him that i no longer have that phone, sent it back to then i was told well let me change your confirmation number so your able to go to ANY store and do the swap. i wrote down that confirmation number and asked when the latest i can exchange and he said Dec 7th.

now my question is, should i wait for to ante up, hopefully with a new set of good PROs or should i just go to a store and do a swap out tomorrow.

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