Originally Posted by Exitao
Wow! I really appreciate the time you took to post these. Display of sample pics with added descriptions, this is more effort than almost anybody would take and it's outstanding.
Thank you.
thank you for that, just hit the thanks on the post that you download from so i know what you got... (helps me know what the people like)
Originally Posted by Exitao
PM me your address and I'll fed-ex you my first born... and the mother too.
not neccessary, but a nice gesture lmfao
heres more
drpLvga -
- a drop of water that falls into the screen causing ripples Landscape
drpPvga -
- a drop of water that falls into the screen causing ripples Portrait
closesunLvga -
-looks like being close to the sun Landscape
closesunPvga -
- looks like being close to the sun Portrait