Re: Is the stock charger adequate?
"No, it doesn't have the same chipset - though from the same family. -- Ignore this, I didn't realize you were comparing the original Touch vs. the Mogul...) Saying "well its a more powerful device so its understandable/acceptable" is ridiculous. What if I bought an 05' Vette, that was really powerful, and worked as it was intended and ran cool etc... then I saw the 09' Vette that had a much bigger engine, was faster, had more seating, and a whole crapload of new accessories - then I buy it just to find out the engine overheats all the time because its too powerful? (GOD I hate car analogies when it comes to phones...) Regardless of the power, would you continue to drive the car even if you had to stop and wait for it too cool off all the time? Not likely... you will probably be back to the dealer in no time flat.
HTC needs to address this issue quickly though. If this many of us are having these problems, imagine what will happen when whole corporations buy these just to find out 95% of them wont charge while being used for the things they are meant to be used for. This one could hurt them very badly...
Last edited by Krayziepop; 11-07-2008 at 02:08 PM.