Originally Posted by angel12
so ive been trying to keep up with the other forum (who put helmi's blah blah blah in the ftp), and i was just wondering if its possible to use the oems i have built for the uni kitchen on this release, if not thats cool too, i know this still isnt "officially" released yet.
Yes... I've done this with several of my OEMs that are not in the kitchen.
Simple 4 step process
(0) copy your OEM folder to the OEM folder of the kitchen
(1) Copy an option.xml file from any existing kitchen OEM to your new OEM's folder
(2) Edit option.xml and change the description text, tip text, and guuid
- for the first two, it should describe your OEM
- for the last one, use the uuid (ie, file name of .rgu/.dms file without the extention)
(3) Drag & drop the OEM file on the BuildDsm.exe app in TOOLs
Now your OEM will show up as a choice, either checked or not by default
Example option.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" standalone="yes"?>
<Item name="AM Tasks+" group="JCS-OEM" checked="true">
<Tip>Tasks+ Today Plugin</Tip>
<Guid type="p">6d99973c-bc86-11db-8314-0800200c9a66</Guid>
You change:
name (name shown in BuildOS OEM picker)
group (group in BuildOS - I put all mine under JCS-OEM)
checked (true means its selected by default)
Tip (tooltip)
Guid - matches the uuid of the OEM
Simple as pie.
As far as I can tell, you *can* treat this just like the old kitchen in that if you don't want something for sure, just yank it out of the OEM folder, and if you always want something, dropping it into the OEM folder w/o adding an option.xml will make it always build in. Not sure about that last bit, but several OEMs are in there w/o option.xml and they seem to always build in. Might only work if the OEM folder name does not start with "Optional_"