Read both all before doing anything
1. Have you been keeping up with the xda thread as well? Dzo has been trying to help out a couple others that have had touchscreen problems, and has also instructed them on how to get a debug file generated from android so as to further help him with issues. I know that its a lot, but (if you haven't already) I would strongly recommend reading through the last 20 pages or so of the thread, and try
every zImage/whatever that he ever posts there, also try generating your own debug.txt using his directions.
2. It could also definitely be a problem with your radio. Some have been helped by upgrading, some not. Be sure to update to 3.42.50 and
then proceed to check out other things.
3. What fs do you have your card on? What brand and size are your card? This could be the issue as well.
4. Like others and myself have read, delete every little possible thing you can find concerning Android on your phone and card. Be sure to be using a file explorer that will show all files, perhaps you have not overwritten old files, but have also not deleted them simply because they are not all showing up.
5. Very unlikely, but not impossible perhaps that it could be an issue with your rom. I really would trying this before anything else: flash your device to the newest radio, and leave on the rom that comes with doing this. Then put data.gz and system.gz in the root of your card. Place haret.exe, zimage, default.txt, and initrd.gz in a folder in the root of your device called "Android". Do nothing with AndroidApps.
6. Make a post with every single stat you can think of. OS of comp being used for all this, radio, carrier, rom, card fs, card brand, card size, EVERYTHING...then stick a link to that post in your sig, that way we can always have access to what may be the problem.
7. I also assume that you disable gps before booting?
Be sure to report back and keep us posted
Good luck,