All I have to say is WOW, this product is truly AMAZING with ORB. I have been a long ORB fanatic since the early release of v1 beta, This is the greatest WM player i have used yet!!! The TV OUT cable i just made using CORE player 1.25 out to my 40 inch was sluggish using d3d and qtv was producing blue flashes(known problem), but this player was flawless, very easy to use, and a terrific interface. I love how fast the orb integration is this wil truely revolutionize my WM experience on my Touch Pro, thank all the Kinoma team for me, Can you give me the Pro's of paying for the full versions, features that are added vs free?
Originally Posted by Charles@Kinoma
Rather than using Orb via their mobile web page, be sure to use Kinoma Play's (and Kinoma FreePlay's) built-in Orb support for the best possible experience.
You can log into your Orb server with Kinoma Play via Services > Orb. By using Orb this way, Kinoma Play and your Orb server will dynamically adjust the stream quality in realtime to provide the best-possible experience as the quality of your data connection fluctuates.
Kinoma FreePlay support is nearly the same as Kinoma Play's. Kinoma Play supports more advanced codecs that can provide the same quality at lower bitrates, so it can perform better under challenging network conditions.
-- Charles Wiltgen