Re: WM 6.1 problem
i didnt mean to augue with you if you took it that way im a noob and excited to find that i have knolage and understanding to use this info in my head to impress myself so far im creating things and hacking things and refabricating things . lol so much damm fun .. im was into taking and cracking things long ago . but know i can have fun like bebe tools and nfsfans rom reversing things taking out of custom roms to lock em lol ya know im just having fun i add my thoughts here cause this was a probluem i had and so i was thinking small moves that didnt start from scratch for the fellow ppcgeek but really agree that a game/item loaded on there is the probluem i thinking a cab loaded ,, flashing to orig rom and re unlocking plus adding a game at a time with a soft reset after each install and then play each till you locate the issue , as well i think i had on game that did that inpertickular i believe it was a pacman cab that did it to me ..