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Old 11-06-2008, 01:19 AM
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Re: JD's ROM

Originally Posted by SBR_L3GION View Post
hey JD thanks for all your hard work i would like to know how to port the sys on this device since for some reason the way i was doing it for the mogul and Touch isnt working for me if you could help me out with a little guidance that would be awesome.
Copy G'Reloc to the folder where you have the original SYS folder.(from orginal carrier rom) Run it and write down numbers under slot 0, slot 1 and size of rom. Replace your original SYS folder with Donor's SYS then open G'Reloc again. You will notice that this time numbers under slot 0, slot 1 and size of rom may be different. Just replace them with numbers you got in the firt step and run G'Reloc again with the new numbers and this should work. It has for me with the pro.
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