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Old 11-05-2008, 09:24 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

Whoa getting great battery life today. Was only getting about 9 hours before warning, but today I am at 70'ish percent. 8-3.20pm. The day is not over, but it is a dramatic increase. I will be happy if it can last 18 hours. I guess we'll find out tonight.

What's the difference? I am not sure, but I can guess.
1. I run GPStool from hannip on treocentral. It turns off GPS services. I also change location service to 911. You have to turn everything back on though if you use anything GPS related. No big deal.
2. I did NOT install the GPS lag fix. I had it before. It's possible that could have drained the battery as it increases the gain.
3. I did NOT install battery hack, but I did enable the battery hacks from Advance

Today could have been a fluke, we will see tomorrow.

(active sync push on when mail arrive, gps for 10mins, 30min phone call, received 40 emails and replied to 20 emails, BT off, Wifi off.)

Last edited by wrecks; 11-06-2008 at 03:00 AM.
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