Originally Posted by SaltyDawg
Originally Posted by Healthman345
cricket does not sell that phone.....we have flashed them to work on the cricket network
I did not even know this was possible. Does Cricket allow unlocked phones or something or do they think it's another phone?
Is it possible to do this to get a phone activated on Sprint? Say, with a Verizon 6700? Or even an enV?
I know this is a little old... but I have some insight. Most CDMA Phones can be flashed to almost any CDMA carrier. Cricket knows that I have a UTSTARCOM PPC6700 from Alltel flashed to Cricket. Before I had a Alltel MotoRAZR, Before that I had a Verizon Sanyo phone. My girl has a Verizon MotoRAZR on Cricket. some CDMA phones dont work like the Verizon Chocolate LG Phone, its at a higher band I belive. When you have a phone flashed from a cell phone store, the only things that work on the phone are Text and the Phone service it self. You cannot recieve picture messages or use the web without doing some kind of hacking. I've hacked my Alltel RAZR to work as if it were a Cricket RAZR. The things previewed here are making the phone work with more cricket services that aren't provided by a normal flash. All you need is to know your way around the phone and the proper settings to input in the proper area's. As seen here. But say, even without doing such mods like this... you can still recieve picture or video messaging to a certain extent. When you get a picture message or anything of the MMS form, it will come as a text with a web link and code to view the message online.
The only bad part about it, is flashing the phone on your own might be a little hard because... well the last time I checked it was illigal (or concidered piracy) to give out the info on the web for doing such a move. So paying a company is the other choice, but for our kind of phones, it can get pricey... 60 bucks for me to have my Alltel PPC 6700 flashed to the Cricket network.
Hope this info helps.