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Old 06-05-2007, 11:44 PM
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Re: Lock ups?

Originally Posted by strickly_ppc670
Has any 1 have to reboot there phone? I am finding that I have to reboot at least 4 times a day to get this back to norm. i usually have it plugged in to a changer at work and it freezes all the time.


Can any 1 help with Iguidence? I have the bluetek and it worked fine in ROM 2... But now that I am on 3.5, It doesn't want to connect- that and google maps can find it either.

Thanks for all the hard work!

The ROM Rox!


in case you haven't figured out how to use iguidance and BigJ's 3.5, while I don't have the bluetek unit [i have holux m1000], go to bluetooth settings and add the bluetek gps and pair the gps unit with the 6700, check off serial port service then under com ports, select a com port [anything other than 0 because iG doesnt' play nice with com 0] through trial and error i found that com 6 works for me - funny how i've only been able to get the even # com ports to work. then make sure "secure connection" is UNCHECKED. this is something that has a lot of people stumped.

Now you should be able to start up iG - i assume u're using 3.0.1 under gps options select the corresponding com port that you created in bluetooth settings and you wait a few minutes and your gps should be located.

if u're intent on using google maps, that's pretty easy as well. under start/settings/connections, you should find a little GPS app run it and under hardware tab, choose the same com port that you created earlier and close the GPS app - don't worry about the other tabs - [i think the software tab allows you to share com ports via software if u're using multiple programs at the same time that need access to ur GPS unit. Now start up googlemaps program and click Menu and select track location (gps) and within seconds the map should change from default [San Francisco] to your location. That's all thats needed to get it to work. hope this helps.
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