Originally Posted by 35mm
For the people who use screen protectors, I ask why? This is not a 4th gen ipod where if you breath on it the screen scratches. Both my 6700 and my 6800 have lived in my pocket for years unprotected and I have never had a problem. There may be a slight chance of a scratch but I don't see it.
Look at it like this. You are having sex with a girl who you know has no diseases and is on the pill. Would you wear a condom?
It feels so much better without and it is less of a hassle (in both cases).
well I wanna protect mine just in case you know? big investment (even though mine was free but still) wanna keep as much smudges off the screen less chance of scratches and it helps the uv not distort the screen to. It maybe diease free but I wanna make sure my penis stays unhurt lol