Originally Posted by J0KER
UPS man just dropped off my TP, and my very first impression after unboxing was "this thing is a brick!" To me, it's almost like going back to a Mogul! I still have my Diamond, so after holding each one in hand and comparing size, weight, and pocketablity, the TP is going back tomorrow! I honestly didnt realize how much I really like my Diamond until playing with the TP. I hated the red back of diamond until i seen the cheap chrome look of the TP. My diamond is like a whole new phone to me all of a sudden.
Each to his own I guess...
Funny, I couldn't imagine the Touch Pro needing to be much smaller. It's already so nice and small. Certainly not worth returning over that. And I genuinely like the silver back. Doesn't feel remotely cheap, and has a great texture and contrast. Again, personal preference, though.