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Old 11-04-2008, 06:17 PM
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Re: (Updated Fixed SYS) 20924 is the fastest I've seen yet on a Diamond

how is everyone's battery life on this rom? I took mine off the charger at 5:10am it's now 5:12pm and I have 42% battery life. No push email, wifi/data off. couple five minute phone calls and a few texts. Does this seem right? I'm not sure how good the battery life is that's why I ask. I'm using the clean sprint black rom v2... updating to v2.1 so my youtube will work. thanks for the sweet roms calcu.

also is there anyway to get the contacts to always show up with the quick search alpha bar on the side... sometimes it's there and sometimes it's not... in 2.1 it's not at all.

Last edited by jrn6264; 11-04-2008 at 08:58 PM.
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