Re: Wm 6.1 Camera Quality Issue
When I turn on the camera, it's clear and smooth for a while, but then after a few seconds, the quality drops, the screen gets grainy, and the camera moves like a slideshow... it worked fine outdoors once, but now the quality is bad whereever I use it.
I hope I'm not giving up too soon, but I'm not having a very good experience with WM 6.1... More than half of my games slowed down my phone and didn't show up in taskmanager (including my beloved pocketnester), and my camera, which I used a lot, doesn't work well anymore. I really hope we can find some way to make these programs work, cause if not, I might have to start looking for the stock Alltel WM 6.0 rom again...
But, on the lighter side, thanks for all of you guys' responses. Despite the issues, I love WM 6.1 soooooooo much, and I really think we might be able to work out the issues, seeing as they're only software problems...right?
Last edited by Oxymoron238; 11-03-2008 at 11:25 PM.